How I Learned to Drive Straight into Storybrook


This story is one of disturbance. It centers around molestation and the vicious cycle that partakes in it. There is suspicion that Lil Bit, after being molested by her Uncle Peck, also begins to molest children when she get’s older. As evidence, is the strange looks she shares with a young boy on the train and the fact that she hallucinates her Uncle Peck in the backseat of the car. I personally take this occurrence as a metaphor that her Uncle is a “back seat driver” in her ways of molesting. The title of the play is in direct reference that the first occurrence of Li Bit’s molestation happened in the back seat of the car as her Uncle was teaching her how to drive. This title could also be metaphorical as “How I learned to molest” as awful as that sounds.

“That was the last day I lived in my body.” It is a quote that makes you think. Most people would say “That’s the day I lived in my mind.” Or so I thought that, but I take the quote as the molestation triggered her physically and she had no mental control over what was happening.

” Being the translator, the teacher, the epicure, the already jaded. This is how the giver gets taken.” I take this quote as evidence that she has moved from being the molested to the molester.

“For a thirteen-year-old, you have a body a twenty-year-old woman would die for.” This just makes me sick.

I’m not sure if I am able to connect this with any fairy tale, other than the real version of Sleeping Beauty. in that story, Briar Rose is molested in her sleep by her father, the King, and she gives birth to twins. I relate this simply because it was incest and molestation.

Sleeping Beauty



What do you think is the meaning behind the title of the play?
Do you think that Lil Bit is a molester now?
Is Lil Bit to blame for becoming a molester if so? Does she have any responsibility for her actions?

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